What Financial Requirements Must I Meet for Express Entry?

You must provide written evidence that you have the necessary funds for you and any family members you want to bring to Canada if you are invited to apply for Express Entry.

Proof of Funds

Funds required (in Canadian dollars) per family members

Number of family membersFunds required (in Canadian dollars)
Each Additional Family Members$3,586
Based on IRCC

Express Entry Fees

New fee effective April 30, 2020 ($CAN)

$1,325Your Application: Processing fee and Right of Permanent Resident Fee
$825Your Application (without Right of Permanent Resident Fee
$1,325Include your spouse or partner: Processing fee and Right of Permanent Residence fee
$825Include your spouse or partner (without Right of Permanent Residence fee
$225 per childInclude a dependent child
$500Right of Permanent Residence fee (may be paid at a later date)
Based on IRCC

What is “Proof of Funds”?

The necessary sum mentioned above must be available to you right now. This implies that you are unable to use real estate equity or borrow money from someone else.

If your spouse is with you, you can include funds from a joint account.

Any banks or other financial organizations where you have money on deposit must provide you with formal letters as proof.

Document(s) must: 

  • be written on letterhead provided by the financial institution
  • Specify a way to reach them (address, telephone number and email address)
  • Specify your name
  • identify all of your current bills, including credit card and loan balances.
  • include, for each current bank and investment account, the following:
    • account numbers
    • date each account was opened
    • the current balance of each account
    • the average balance for the past 6 months

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